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Republic Grenadier Legs - Male (5)

SKU: PU-11-A-1
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A set of five Male legs with Pan-Continental Republic Grenadier Armour

The set includes:

  • Five Male Leg sculpts in various static and advancing poses.

They are most compatible with our male Regiments Torsos, but can be used with any 28mm Heroic Scale miniatures.

This resin product is not a toy and is unsuitable for under 14's.

Our components are supplied unpainted, and will require some preparation, before assembly with super glue.

We recommend testing the poses and assembly of each miniature in the set before gluing in place. Some components can be left unglued, and be magnetised or held in place with Blu-Tac or similar adhesive putty, to allow weapon changes.

For further guidance please see the 'Working with Resin' guide at the bottom of the page.

Not a toy.Suitable for ages 14+

Not a toy.
Nije igračka.
Není to hračka.
Ikke et legetøj.
Geen speelgoed.
Ei ole mänguasi.
Ei lelu.
Pas un jouet.
Kein Spielzeug.
Όχι ένα παιχνίδι.
Nem játék.
Ní bréagán.
Non è un giocattolo.
Nav rotaļlieta.
Ne žaislas.
Mhux ġugarell.
Ikke et leketøy.
To nie jest zabawka.
Não é um brinquedo.
Nu o jucărie.
Ni igrača.
No es un juguete.
Inte en leksak.
Не е играчка.
Net e Spillsaach.


Product info

Please read the full product safety information and instructions here:



General Safety Warnings

Anvil Industry products are miniature-scale collectibles, they are not toys, and are only suitable for ages 14+.

They should be kept out of reach of children aged 0-3 years as small parts may be sharp or a choking hazard.

All packaging should be kept out of reach of children aged 0-3 due to the risk of choking or suffocation.

Packaging should be disposed of in accordance with local legislation: Cardboard boxes and paper tape are recylable, void fill is startch based and compostable, gripseal bags are made from Polythene (LDPE) and are reusable and recyleable (please check with your local facility).

Product Materials

Note: Bundle products, like squad builders, may contain a mix of the following materials, please check the paperwork supplied with your order for the SKU of individual components.

Polyurethane Polymer (referred to as “Resin” or “Cast Resin”)

This material applies to all product SKUs beginning with "PU".

(Note: prior to 2025, sku's did not have the "PU" prefix.)

Products manufactured in the UK by Anvil Industry, using raw materials from the EU.

Appearance is grey in colour, hard and slightly flexible.

Material is non-hazourdous under normal conditions when fully cured, as shipped to customer.

Material is non-recyclable, and should be disposed of in general waste.

Photopolymer (referred to as “Resin” or “Printed Resin” or “3D Printed”)

This material applies to all SKUs beginning with “XX-3DP” where X's are numbers.

Products manufactured in the UK by Anvil Industry, using raw materials from China.

Appearance is grey in colour, hard and slightly flexible.

Material is non-hazourdous under normal conditions when fully cured, as shipped to customer.

Material is non-recyclable, and should be disposed of in general waste.

ABS Thermoplastic (referred to as “plastic”)

This material applies to all SKUs beginning with “BASE”.

Products manufactured in the EU by a supplier.

Appearance is black in colour, hard and slightly flexible.

Material is non-hazourdous at room temperature, as shipped to customer.

Material is recyclable along with other ABS plastics.

Products specifications
Attribute name Attribute value
Scale 28mm Heroic
Category Regiments
Inspiration Sci-fi
Style / Theme Republic (PCR)
Gender Male
Medium/ Material Polyurethane Polymer - Cast Resin
Patreon Month 2021-11 Republic Grenadiers
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A set of five Male legs with Pan-Continental Republic Grenadier Armour

The set includes:

  • Five Male Leg sculpts in various static and advancing poses.

They are most compatible with our male Regiments Torsos, but can be used with any 28mm Heroic Scale miniatures.

This resin product is not a toy and is unsuitable for under 14's.

Our components are supplied unpainted, and will require some preparation, before assembly with super glue.

We recommend testing the poses and assembly of each miniature in the set before gluing in place. Some components can be left unglued, and be magnetised or held in place with Blu-Tac or similar adhesive putty, to allow weapon changes.

For further guidance please see the 'Working with Resin' guide at the bottom of the page.

Products specifications
Attribute name Attribute value
Scale 28mm Heroic
Category Regiments
Inspiration Sci-fi
Style / Theme Republic (PCR)
Gender Male
Medium/ Material Polyurethane Polymer - Cast Resin
Patreon Month 2021-11 Republic Grenadiers
Product tags
Blog posts about this product
Conversion Corner - Adam's Mandalorian® inspired Stargrave crew

It's been a while since we built our studio Stargrave crews, so it was time for a new one! The inspiration came from some of our new Digital Forge releases, mainly The Brotherhood and Heavy Drop Troopers.

I knew I wanted to go for a more uniform, regimented look for the crew than my previous Space Western one, so I picked two parts to be used across all models, the T-visor helmet from the Brotherhood and the Iron Corps torsos. I needed to represent different armour types while still keeping that feel, so for the legs I chose Afterlife Republic parts - Grenadier for heavy armour and Commando for light.

Since some of these parts are not available in resin (yet), I knew I had to mix printed and cast resin, so I also had a chance to do a "bit" of digital kit bashing in Blender.

Stargrave Mandalorian inspired crew

Captain and First Mate

Stargrave Mandalorian inspired Captain and First Mate

My Captain is a Veteran, wearing Combat Armour and using a Grenade Launcher - and a massive sword! She is almost entirely a digital kit bash, with legs, arms and weapon from the Heavy Drop Troop sergeant, the torso replaced with an Iron Corps one, and the helmet under her arms swapped for a Brotherhood T-visor helmet. Her cloak is from the Brotherhood Sergeant, modified to fit the back using the Grab and Smooth tools in Blender. This was a good opportunity to use one of my favourite heads, from a Drop Troop pilot - mirrored, so it's blowing in the wind in the same direction as the cloak. She didn't have any free arms to wield her grenade launcher, so I had to get creative and make a back mounted one using the arm from the Drop Troop medic, a scaled down grenade launcher from Corporate Security - and a piece from the Light Mech builder as the socket. After printing, I realised that the model was still missing something, so I finished it off with a Regiments Top knot on the hilt of her sword.

The First Mate was definitely a more simple work, she mostly uses standard components, with the addition of a jetpack and smoke / exhaust plume from the Brotherhood. She is equipped with Light Armour, a Flamethrower and a Hand Weapon. I wanted something different for the flamethrower, so I used the targeter arm from the Female Void Suit command pack, drilled it out and added a piece from the Small Flames.

Stargrave Mandalorian inspired Captain and First Mate


Stargrave Mandalorian inspired Commando and Gunner

Both of my Specialists wear heavy armour - so they use the same base parts, Brotherhood Helmets, Iron Corps torsos, Grenadier legsGrenadier Shoulder pads & High-Tech Arms.

The Commando is armed with a custom laser carbine I kit bashed for these models - Dieselpunk Exo-lord rifle, scaled down to 75%, with a Phase muzzle & power pack added, and a filler cube for the joint to make it fit Regiments Pistol Grip arms. To represent her better stats, I added a scope on her carbine, and a Drop Trooper sword from the command sprue with the hand removed.

The Gunner is actually a sneak peek for a future release! He is equipped with a heavy Plasma Cutter held in High-Tech Man-portable Heavy weapon arms (coming to resin AND digital in September)!

Stargrave Mandalorian inspired Commando and Gunner


Stargrave Mandalorian inspired Troopers, Medic, Chiseler, Recruits

The two Troopers were built the same way as my Commando, without the scope and the sword on the back.
The other 4 models wear Light Armour, this is represented by Commando legs and Void Suit Command arms. They are all wielding Desert Nomad pistols (resin now available in the Sci-fi Pistols set!).
The Medic has some scary looking servo arms with all sorts of useful medical implements attached to his back from the Surgical Operating Table.
The Chiseller has her trusty bolt cutters on her back and an explosive pack if something more serious is needed.
I rounded off the crew with two free Recruits, both using Brotherhood jetpacks and wrist blades from the Avian Infantry.

Stargrave Mandalorian inspired Troopers, Medic, Chiseler, Recruits


Building this crew was a really fun project, and I might even get around to painting them later!

That's it for now, see y'all later!

Dan's Mercenary Outlaws - Stargrave Crew
In this Blog post, Staffer Dan has created a new Stargrave crew, focused on using high-tech science fiction weapons and gear, with some unique conversion ideas for Anvil parts!