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Exo-Lord custom squads let you assemble units with your choice of any armour and weapons from the entire Exo-Lords range.
The "per sprue" price is cheaper when you buy squads, and you can also add accessories at a discounted price.
Initially our Modern Ranger and Black-Ops styles are available, but we will be adding more armour and weapon styles in the future.
If you have any questions about the squad builder products you can email us and we will be happy to advise- support@anvilindustry.co.uk
Scale Comparison
New Exo-Lords are significantly larger and bulkier than our older products. Each miniature is approx 40mm tall to top of head, and 37mm to eye line. This scale comparison photo shows how a new Exo-Lord compares to some other miniatures.
Above Left to right : Cadian Guardsman ©Games Workshop Ltd, Daughter of the Burning Rose, Tactical Marine©Games Workshop Ltd, New Exo-Lord.