I've recently finished a Certain "Robot army" from a Certain workshop of the games and decided to do a guards army was going to do kreig from the WORLD OF FORGE but felt like keeping my kidney. However i didn't want to do Cadian (generic), Catachan (just no) nor valhallens (space Russians!) so i went looking for unique infantry, and honestly it was hard, i tried using bolt action models but it looked odd in proportion to real guardsmen. but then i stumbled upon this holy grail why are custom regiment creators not more common.. i ended up creating ww2 era British soldiers and it was glorious fatigue webbing and field dress look absolutely marvellous. all details are well done and the resin is top notch they glue easily and paint well after priming, i even got a weapons team with a Maxim gun and i love it, i don't know if it was a mistake but i got extra parts that allowed me to make an extra soldier. i short i will be ordering more from this website GIB ME MORE JUICY MODELS!!
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