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Conversion Corner - Adam's Majestic 13 DEVGRU
Conversion Corner - Adam's Majestic 13 DEVGRU

Another new game, another crew to build!

With the recent release of Majestic 13, I took the opportunity to build ANOTHER modern military crew (as you can't ever have enough of those). This time the inspiration came from DEVGRU / SEAL Team Six as I imagine they would be one of the first groups to ga...

Conversion Corner - Adam's Winter Division™ Agents
Conversion Corner - Adam's Winter Division™ Agents

Welcome to the next installment of our (at this point) regularly scheduled The Division™ Conversion Corner - this time with more Agents (as you can't ever have enough Agents)!

Our recent Digital Forge releases (Modern Civilians & Undercover Operatives) and my improving skill at digital kitbashing g...

The Brotherhood Light Infantry - 14+ 3D printed figures Giveaway!
The Brotherhood Light Infantry - 14+ 3D printed figures Giveaway!
This month's Giveaway features enough parts to build about 10 Brotherhood troopers and multiple characters, printed directly from our Digital Bundle in June!
Conversion Corner - Liam's Frostgrave Cultists
Conversion Corner - Liam's Frostgrave Cultists
Recently I have been putting some time into playing some skirmish games with my games group at my FLGS, and we had just picked up and started playing Frostgrave when I was made aware of a resin release we had coming at the studio that made me want to put aside my old war band of miniatures and build a new motley crew of treasure hunters. That resin release was none other than our brand new redesigned Robed Cultists !!
Heavy Drop Troopers - 3D Print Giveaway!
Heavy Drop Troopers - 3D Print Giveaway!
Enter your email to receive the latest and greatest from Anvil Industry (unsubscribe at any time) and complete any actions to get bonus entries!
Retro-Future Explorers & Hybrid Scavengers - Games Workshop®️ Imperial Navy Breachers Conversions
Retro-Future Explorers & Hybrid Scavengers - Games Workshop®️ Imperial Navy Breachers Conversions
Staffer Adam is at the conversion desk again with some more kitbashing! This week he's turned his eyes on to the recent Navy Breacher kit, to see how well they can be converted with Anvil's resin parts!
Conversion Corner - Adam's Black Tusk
Conversion Corner - Adam's Black Tusk

Welcome to another Tom Clancy's The Division 2TM inspired Conversion Corner!

With all the Agents in the studio, we needed some bad guys to fight (as if Rogue agents weren't bad enough...), so I decided to finally start one of my long-planned projects, slowly building the enemy factions from both ga...

Gothic-Tech Horror Infantry - 3D print Giveaway!
Gothic-Tech Horror Infantry - 3D print Giveaway!
To enter the giveaway, enter your email to receive the latest and greatest from Anvil Industry (unsubscribe at any time) and complete any actions to get bonus entries!
Veteran Guardsmen™ Conversions - Combat Engineers & Cavalry Officers
Veteran Guardsmen™ Conversions - Combat Engineers & Cavalry Officers
This month, staffer Adam has some more conversion ideas to add to their ever-increasing army project, using Games Workshop™ Veteran Guardsmen™
Undercover Operatives - 3D Print Giveaway!

This month's Giveaway features enough parts to build about 12 Undercover Operatives, printed directly from our Digital Bundle in March!

Anvil Digital Forge designs a fantastic new digital bundle of themed, modular wargaming miniatures each month for home 3d printing, which you can get at a ro...